Friday, January 10, 2014

The 6 Longest Prison Sentences Ever Given

You probably won't like to spend years in the prison, right? So, if you are planning to do anything bad, think a million times.You might experience the longest prison sentences you won't imagine. Insider Monkey made and shared us an article about "The 6 Longest Prison Sentences Ever Given". This is to remind us to think a lot of times before doing such things.

The average person probably dreads the idea of spending even one night in a prison cell. But how does a life sentence sound? Well, there are a few moments in legal history where certain perpetrators of the law have received sentences much longer than that. Although a sentence longer than the criminal’s life span is not feasible from a practical point of view, reviewing the longest prison sentences ever given remains an interesting topic to approach.

We have compiled a list of the six longest sentences ever given to a single person, worldwide. Let’s take a look at the countdown. You make take a look at Insider Monkey to read the full article about the longest prison sentences.

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